ori! demigirl; she | they

intj / rloei / mctw / 5w4

stuff to know:

i also go by cassidy, cass, corrine, or rin
i rt and subtweet a lot
i'll follow back if we share common interests!
i call myself tsumiki / fukawa, but i'm not kin with them or anything.

hi! as mentioned previously, i'm cass/cori. i'm generally nice, but i don't tend to approach people... so if you want to be my friend, just mention/dm me! i really hate small talk, though. it makes me feel awkward. so, if you could, maybe try to avoid that...?
anyway! if you haven't yet, i'd love for you to read my dnfi guidelines on my listo... otherwise i won't be inclined to accept your follow request.

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